Vocabulary Online Part 1.1
Unit One: Root Words
English Vocabulary Online
Many English words are formed by adding a prefix (ศัพท์นำหน้า) or a suffix (คำศัพท์ต่อท้าย). They are added to the root word (รากศัพท์). For example, the word resend (ส่งซ้ำ) consists of the root word (รากศัพท์) send (ส่ง) and the prefix (ศัพท์นำหน้า) or re- (ซ้ำ). The word helper (ผู้ที่ช่วยเหลือ) consists of the word help (ช่วย) and the suffix (คำศัพท์ต่อท้าย) –er (คน). Understanding the meanings of the common word roots can help you know the meanings of new words.
Latin Root Words: The table below defines and illustrates 27 of the most common Latin roots.
Root | Meaning | Examples |
ab | to move away | abstract, abstain, aversion |
acer, acri | bitter | acrid, acrimony, exacerbate |
audi | hear | audible, audience, auditorium |
bene | good | benefit, benign, benefactor |
brev | short | abbreviate, brief |
circ | round | circus, circulate |
dict | say | dictate, edict, dictionary |
duc | lead, make | deduce, produce, educate |
fund | bottom | founder, foundation, funding |
gen | to birth | gene, generate, generous |
hab | to have | ability, exhibit, inhabit |
jur | law | jury, justice, justify |
lev | to lift | levitate, elevate, leverage |
log, logue | thought | logic, apologize, analogy |
luc, lum | light | lucid, illuminate, translucent |
manu | hand | manual, manicure, manipulate |
mis, mit | send | missile, transmit, permit |
omni | all | omnivorous, omnipotent, omniscient |
pac | peace | pacify, pacific, pacifist |
port | carry | export, import, important |
quit | silent, restive | tranquil, requiem, acquit |
scrib, script | to write | script, proscribe, describe |
sens | to feel | sensitive, sentient, resent |
terr | earth | terrain, territory, extraterrestrial |
tim | to fear | timid, timorous |
vac | empty | vacuum, vacate, evacuate |
vid, vis | to see | video, vivid, invisible |
Vocabulary Online Part 1.2
Greek Root Words: The table below defines and illustrates 25 of the most
common Greek roots.
Root | Meaning | Examples |
anti | against | antibacterial, antidote, antithesis |
ast(er) | star | asteroid, astronomy, astronaut |
aqu | water | aquarium, aquatic, aqualung |
auto | self | automatic, automate, autobiograph |
biblio | book | bibliography, bibliophile |
bio | life | biography, biology, biodegradable |
chrome | color | monochromatic, phytochrome |
chrono | time | chronic, synchronize, chronicle |
doc | teach | document, docile, doctrinal |
dyna | power | dynasty, dynamic, dynamite |
geo | earth | geography, geology, geometry |
gno | to know | agnostic, acknowledge |
graph | write | autograph, graphic, demographic |
hydr | water | dehydrate, hydrant, hydropower |
kinesis | movement | kinetic, photokinesis |
logos | word, study | astrology, biology, theologian |
narc | sleep | narcotic, narcolepsy |
path | feel | empathy, pathetic, apathy |
phil | love | philosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy |
phon | sound | microphone, phonograph, telephone |
photo | light | photograph, photocopy, photon |
schem | plan | scheme, schematic |
syn | together, with | synthetic, photosynthesis |
tele | far | telescope, telepathy, television |
tropos | turning | heliotrope, tropical |